For scientists from KINR Ukrainian NDC provides services in obtaining computer programs for basic and applied calculations included in the catalog of the NEA Data Bank Computer Program Services for free use. Ordering and obtaining software is carried out through the accredited to the NEA Data Bank representative of UkrNDC Kalchenko Oleksandr Ivanovych kaltchen@ukr.net.

Access to the catalog in NEA Data Bank Computer Program Services:

         by category
         in alphabetical order

         Scientists working in other institutions and organizations of Ukraine can not order or receive computer programs from NEA Data Bank Computer Program Services directly through UkrNDC. For advice on the design of access to computer programs for basic and applied calculations included in the catalog of programs NEA Data Bank Computer Program Services, please contact Kalchenko Oleksandr Ivanovych kaltchen@ukr.net or contact us by phone and at the address listed below.


Olena Gritzay
Ukrainian Nuclear Data Center, Institute for Nuclear Research of NAS of Ukraine
Prospect Nauky, 47, Kyiv, Ukraine 03028. Phone: +380 99 622 7484, +380 67 932 7005 Fax: +380 44 525 4463

E-mail: ogritzay@ukr.net

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