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Three sets of software packages are presented on the UKRNDC site: the PREPRO-2015 package for ENDF/B pre-processing, the package AUX-2015 for input preparation and the FILTER software package. The PREPRO-2015 program package (the package name comes from the English "pre-processing") began to be created by D. Cullin (University of California, Livermore, USA) in 1974 and continues to be constantly updated in parallel with updating the presentation format in evaluated nuclear data libraries (ENDL). The modern software package PREPRO-2015 consists of 17 computer codes, which are codes of free access (they can be downloaded from the site https://www-nds.iaea.org/public/endf/prepro/). The PREPRO-2015 software package is intended to convert ENDF/B formatted nuclear data from ENDL to a kind of nuclear-physical quantities, which can then be used for calculations of engineering tasks, as well as for the visualization of nuclear data. On our site only 5 PREPRO-2015 codes are presented. In choosing these codes, we used the following criteria: 1) the selected codes are obligatory for the calculation of neutron cross sections from the data presented in ENDL; 2) nuclear-physical quantities, calculated with the use of selected codes, make it possible to conduct simple engineering calculations; 3) the selected codes are close analogues of the software modules used in the world-known software complex NJOY, therefore their learning can be considered as the first step to studying this complex. The program package AUX-2015 (name of this package originates from the English "auxiliary") was created and continues to be updated by O. Gritzay (Ukrainian Nuclear Data Center, Kyiv, Ukraine). The AUX-2015 software package consists of 7 codes designed to facilitate the input of parameters when creating input files for the work of the selected five codes from the PREPRO-2015 package, preparing the input file for the graphics package Microcal Origin and creating one file-library from different separate materials. The software package FILTER was created and continues to be updated by O. Gritzay (Ukrainian Nuclear Data Center, Kyiv, Ukraine), consisting of the FILTER-8 code and a set of specialized data libraries and designed to calculate neutron spectra after composite filters. |