GROUPIE.exe - a program for calculating unshielded multigroup cross sections, self-shielded (Bondarenko approach) multi-group cross sections and multi-band parameters. This program can be used as a simple and very handy tool for generating multigroup cross sections in ENDF/B format that is used in many applications where only multigroup cross-sections are required, e.g. in dosimetry     

The first version of GROUPIE was developed by D.E. Cullen in November 1976, the last one - in March 2015. On our site we present the last version for work on PC under MSDOS (WINDOWS).     

A task input file has to be named GROUPIE.inp, information about process of work this code is registered in report output file GROUPIE.LST, the ENDF formatted input file is not changed, the calculation results depending on the selected mode can be written:

-- in a new ENDF-formatted file (unshielded cross-sections);
-- in a new file with the fixed name UNSHIELD.lst (unshielded cross-sections or resonance integrals);
-- in a new file with the fixed name SHIELD.lst (shielded cross-sections);
-- in a new file with the fixed name MULTBAND.lst (multi-band parameters);
-- in a new computer readable file with the fixed name MULTBAND.TAB (multi-band parameters).

The requirements to the task input file are presented in the file GROUPIE_TAB.pdf.     



Column (format)

Explanation of parameters


1-11 (I11)

Selection criteria (0=MAT, 1=ZA) (DEFault = 0)

12-22 (I11)

Number of groups:
>0 - Arbitrary group boundaries are read from task input file (maximum is 1000 groups).
from 0 to -14 – one of 15 built-in options of group structure, e.g., for SAND-II 640- group structure = -5 (all list see GROUPIE.pdf)

23-33 (I11)

Multi-band selector:
= 0 – No multi-band calculations.
= from 1 to 5 – Different versions of multi-band calculations, minimum number of bands will be output for each isotope independently (see GROUPIE.pdf).
= from -1 to -5 – Different versions of multi-band calculations, the same number of bands will be output for all isotopes (see GROUPIE.pdf).

34-44 (I11)

Number of points used to describe energy dependent weighting spectrum
= -2 – Maxwellian - up to 0.1 eV, 1/E - 0.1 eV to 67 keV, fission - above 67 keV
= -1 – 1/E
= 0 or 1 – energy independent (so called flat groupie weighting spectrum)
> 0 – reads many points from task input file to describe weighting spectrum.

45-55 (D11.4)

Multi-band convergence criteria
(see GROUPIE.pdf).

56-66 (I11)

Sigma-0 definition selector:
< 0 – 21 values of Sigma-0 are read from input and interpreted as fixed values = same as = 1 description below
Input values must all be: 1) greater than 0; 2) in descending value order.
= 0 – Sigma-0 will be defined as a multiple of the unshielded total cross section in each group (values of 1/1024 to 1024 in steps of a factor of 2 will be used as the multiplier).
= 1 – Sigma-0 will be defined as the same number of barns in each group (values 40000 to 0.4 barns will be used. Within groupie each decade values of 10, 7, 4, 2, 1 barns will be used).

67-70 (I4)

High energy expansion = setting the cross section above the highest tabulated energy
= 0 – cross-section = 0 (standard ENDF/B),
= 1 – cross-section = constant (equal to the cross section with the highest tabulated energy).


1-66 (6D11.4)

If Sigma-0 definition selector < 0,
the next 4 lines of input are the 22 values of Sigma-0,
6 per line.


1-60 (А60)

ENDF/B input data filename (standard option ENDFB.IN)


1-60 (А60)

ENDF/B output data filename (standard option ENDFB.OUT )


1-11 (І11)

Self-shielded cross section listing:
= 0 – No output
= 1 – Cross sections (SHIELD.lst)
= 2 – Resonance integrals

12-22 (I11)

Multi-band parameter listing:
= 0 – No output
= 1 – Output ( MULTBAND.lst)

23-33 (I11)

Multi-band parameters computer readable:
= 0 – No output
= 1 – Output (

34-44 (I11)

Unshielded cross sections in ENDF/B format:
= 1 – Histogram format (interpolation law 1)
= 2 – Linear-linear (interpolation law 2)

45-55 (I11)

Unshielded cross sections listing:
= 1 – Cross sections (UNSHIELD.lst)
= 2 – Resonance integrals (UNSHIELD.lst)

56-66 (D11.4)

If the standard built-in spectra is used, input line 1, columns 34-44 = 2, this field can be used to optionally change temperature of the Maxwellian.
= 0 – Use default 0.0253 eV, room temperature.
> 0 – Use this as the temperature.
Restriction - temperature cannot exceed 1000 eV.


1-80 (18A4)

Library identification. Any text that the user wishes to identify the multi-band parameters. This library identification is written into the computer readable multi-band data file.


1 - 6 (I6)

Lower MAT or ZA limit

Up to 100 ranges may be specified, only one range per line.

If the upper MAT limit of any request is less than the low limit it will be set equal to the lower limit.

If the upper MAT limit is still zero it will be set equal to 9999.

If the upper MF or MT limit is zero it will be set to 99 or 999 respectively.

The list of ranges is terminated by a BLANK line.

7 - 8 (I2)

Lower MF

9-11 (І3)

Lower MT

12-17 (І6)

Upper MAT or ZA limit

18-19 (І2)

Upper MF

20-22 (І3)

Upper MT


1-66 (6D11.4)

Energy group boundaries. Only required if the number of groups indicated on the first input card is positive. All energies must be in ascending energy in ev. The present limits are 1 to 1000 groups. For N groups N+1 boundaries will be read from the task input file.


1-66 (6D11.4)

Energy dependent weighting spectrum. Only required if the number of points indicated on first line is > 1. Data is given in (energy, weight) pairs, up to 3 pairs per line, using any number of lines required (no limit to number of points). Energies must be in ascending order in eV. The spectrum values must be >0.

To facilitate the work with GROUPIE we present a version of the task input file GROUPIE.inp (several examples of task input file anybody find in the end of file GROUPIE.pdf).

Let RESULT.3 be a file in the ENDF format after running the SIGMA1 program.
For example, we need to calculate (for all included materials) cross sections
in ABBN  28-group structure with an energy independent weighing spectrum. 
At the same time, write the cross sections in  readable: 
unshielded in UNSHIELD.LST and shielded in SHIELD.LST.  
We will name the output file in ENDF format RESULT.4.  
Unshielded sections in ENDF / B format will be presented as histograms  
(interpolation law 1). We will not conduct multi-band calculations.
The asterisks in this example, following below, in input file have to
correspond to the blanks. Here they are presented to facilitate the calculation of positions.
********10********20********30********40********50********60********70********80 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 **********0********-10**********0**********0*0.0000В+00**********0***0 RESULT.3 RESULT.4 **********1**********0**********0**********1**********1 ******************************************************************************** *****1*1**1**999999999 ******************************************************************************** 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
Running of the code: GROUPIE.exe.






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