MIXER.exe - is a code to calculate the energy dependent cross section for a composite mixture of up to 10 different materials. The present version will only calculate the cross section for one mixer final reaction (ENDF/B section), e.g. total cross section, but not mixer any other reaction. Note, this code will not combine all reactions for a mixture of materials during a single run - only one reaction will be created per run.      

The first version of MIXER was developed by D.E. Cullen in November 1976, the last one - in January 2015. On our site we present the last version for work on PC under MSDOS (WINDOWS).

A task input file has to be named MIXER.inp, information about process of work this code is registered in report output file MIXER.LST, the ENDF formatted input file is not changed, the resulting linearized cross sections are written in new ENDF formatted file.  

The requirements to the task input file are presented in the file MIXER_TAB.pdf.



Column (format)

Explanation of parameters


1-66 (16A4,A2)

TITLE - two line title describing problem (this title is used to identify the output listing and is also written in MF=1, MT=451 (hollerith section) of the ENDF/B formatted output to identify the composite mixture).


1-60 (A60)

ENDF/B input data filename
(standard option ENDFB.IN - DEF option)


1-60 (A60)

ENDF/B output data filename
(standard option ENDFB.OUT - DEF option)


1-11 (I11)

IZAOUT ZA identification for combination

12-17 (I6)

MATOUT MAT identification for combination

18-19 (I2)

MFOUT MF identification for combination

20-22 (I3)

MTOUT MT identification for combination

23-33 (I11)

Define input density
= 0 – grams/cc
> 0 – atoms

6 - N

1-11 (I11)

IZAGET ZA (1000*Z+A) identification of material

12-22 (I11)

MTGET MT of reaction

23-33 (E11.4)

DENSE Density of material (in grams/cc or atoms)

The 6-th line is repeated for each section (from 2 to 10). Since the ENDF/B formatted output is in barns/atom form a minimum of two sections must be combined (i.e., if only one section is specified the output would be identical to the input and as such the program will consider this to be an error and not perform the calculation).
The list of sections is terminated by a BLANK line.

The list of sections to be combined may be specified in any order, i.e. they need not be in ZA order or the order that the evaluated data appears on the ENDF/B formatted tape.

You can find DENSITY of materials (grams/cc) using Nuclear Wallet Cards чи на сайті

        To facilitate work with MIXER, there are 2 examples of the task input file and the version of MIXER.inp for Example 1 is presented below (several examples of the input task file can be found in MIXER.pdf). MIXER.pdf).

Example 1.   Calculate the total cross section (MT = 1) for the steel 
(Fe - 78.0%, Cr - 16.0%, Ni - 6.0%). Choose for steel ZA = 26800 and 
MAT = 4000.  The data for the steel components (Fe, Cr, Ni)are in the  
LIBRARY.DAT file, the resulting section  for steel we will write to 
the STEEL.DAT file. Choose an option to input the material density 
in grams/cc.
To determine these values, you need to multiply the standard material
density (in grams/cm3)on a large fraction. So, since for Fe the density 
is 7.87 grams/cm3, then the input value should be 0.78x7.87 = 6.1386. 

For this example the following 9 input cards are required.

The asterisks in this example, following below, in input file have to correspond   
to the blanks. Here they are presented to facilitate calculation of positions.

********10********20********30********40********50********60********70********80 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 STAINLESS STEEL. COMPOSITION BY PER-CENT VOLUME IS 78.0-IRON, 16-CHROME, 6-NICKEL LIBRARY.DAT STEEL.DAT ******26800**4000*3**1**********0 ******26000**********1*****6.1386 ******24000**********1*****1.1504 ******28000**********1*****0.5341 ******************************************************************************** 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 Running of the code: MIXER.exe _________________________________________________________________________________ Example 2. Calculate the cross section for elastic neutron scattering (MT = 2) for water (H2O). Choose for water ZA = 01016 and MAT = 0116. Data for water components (H and O)are in the file LIB2.DAT (for H ZA = 1001, for OZA = 8016), the resulting water cross-section write to file WATER.DAT. Choose the option to set a density of materials in atoms. For this example the following 8 input cards are required.
The asterisks in this example, following below, in input file have to correspond to the blanks. Here they are presented to facilitate calculation of positions.
********10********20********30********40********50********60********70********80 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 WATER H - 2 atoms, O - 1 atom LIB2.DAT WATER.DAT ******01016**0116*3**2**********1 *******1001**********2*****2.0000 *******8016**********2*****1.0000 ******************************************************************************** 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 Running of the code: MIXER.exe






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